For me, the weekend begins when my husband gets home from work on a Friday as he finishes early. This Friday he was home extra early and the first "first" of my weekend happened. He asked me if I wanted to go to the driving range. Haha yeah right, lets go, that'll be fun... NOT! Since we've known each other I've teased him about liking golf, that it's not a sport blah blah blah, but anyway I thought, "Its a nice evening, it'd be nice to try something different," so I said ok. I watched Marno for a bit than asked if I could have a go. Well I think I must have had a secret ability hidden inside me as my first ever golf swing sent the ball 100 yards, dead straight. And just to show it wasn't a fluke, so did the second one. Ok I hearly dislocated my shoulder on the third but once I'd recovered I was back on the little fake grass thing you stand on and hit many more great shots. Hmmm, what to do now? Ma has a set of clubs for me which she's been keeping for the day I have a go and realise that golf is actually amazing and tell her I would like to have them. I wonder if that day has come... though I'm certainly not at the amazing stage but think it could be fun to have a go.
The second first was getting up at 6am on Saturday to go to to
Cosmeston to see what birds we could see. It would appear you actually have to be up at 4am for there to be any difference to going in the day time. There were hardly any birds except for the usual blue tits, robins and chaffinches, although we did see a male and female Reed Bunting actually on a reed! Pretty exciting! We just ended up freezing and ridiculously tired so we got home about 10 and slept for an hour.

I did get the chance to take photos of my dress, or rather Marno took the photos and I posed. Here is a selection.

I'm rather pleased that my new
White Stuff cardigan goes so well. Mmmm my favourite shop. Talking of cardigans, heres a photo of the KSH I bought to make the mohair lace cardigan with the dress fabric.

A perfect match.
And finally here are some of the beautiful blossoms in the park at the end of our road. They are so beautiful at the moment. I think I've never noticed spring as much as I have this year.

And its another delightfully sunny day today. First flip flip day of the year! Hooray!
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