The first project was these cushion covers which I made to go on our new brown sofa. The room is painted a lush yellow with brown alcoves, kind of Africany feeling, with lots of wood as my husband built a mezzanine, so I used Autumny colours, most uncharacteristically of me as my favourite colours are blues and turquoises. But I was so pleased with how they turned out for my first ever attempt.

Then I made this...

..which is actually still in progress but I have plans to develop it so keeping quiet about it for now.
This is a patchwork project I started for a craft group a few of us have set up. All the fabrics are from my mum's old stash from the boxes and patchworks she's made so it's a bit sentimental. That is unfortunate since the idea was for it to be sent somewhere, like an orphanage a couple of our friends are going to in April, but I may have to make another one as I feel a little tied to this... oh dear

And current knitting is just this pair of socks for my MIL. She liked the first pair i knitted so much that she bought me yarn to make her some. They're just a simple top down pattern and I'm not sure about the pattern the yarn's making; its a lot less creamy than I expected, so hopefully she'll like them.

I guess I've posted rather a lot on my first Blog-day. I've been thinking about starting a blog for a while and all these things have been accumulating. Theres still a bit more but I'll leave that for another time. Now its time for lunch and then some work this afternoon.
Bye x
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