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Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Thea Revisited

I've been wanting to re-post on Thea for a while. Mainly because the previous photos were taken whilst I was breastfeeding, and, shall I say, it fits a lot better now! I wasn't sure how much I liked it or was going to wear it, once I finally finished it, but since losing weight it fits a lot better and is even bobbling, I've been wearing it so much.


I also improved my Thea a little by sewing the buttons on again, in the right places this time (!) and also by stitching down the lower points of the collar, as the whole collar was looking really misshapen as it didn't ever stay in the right place.

Not a massively exciting post, but hopefully something more exciting to come soon. I've nearly finished the Apres Surf. When I'd blocked the parts, it looked absolutely humungous - I was thinking of renaming it the Apres Surf 'n Turf Hoodie, as it looked like the sized I'd be if I ate surf 'n turf all the time! But now it's dry and stitched together (nearly), it's a much better size, and I can't wait to try it on. Just the hood and neckband to knit now.

I've also put together my list of projects to knit on Ravelry so plenty to be getting on with. Nothing much else to report though, oh, apart from that we've decided what to do with the dining room - paint it the same colour as the kitchen, so it will be pink as well. Its going to be gorgeous and warm and inviting, instead of cold and muddy grey. So photos to come when its done.

I need some warmth in the dining room as it is, as the weather is fairly unpleasant at the moment, and the dining room has a large sliding door leading out to the garden, which means looking at lots of grey skies. I'm so looking forward to seing that first blossom on the apple tree, and the randomly placed tulips, planted by the previous owners, come up and surprise us, as they do every spring.

Hope you're having a lovely day, and thanks for stopping by :)

x Sam


  1. I made skylarks for Sarah foster but got the yarn wrong - it was huge! Especially the sleeves. Owls is on my list too - love that pattern! Xx

  2. Oh no, how did you get the yarn wrong? Did you substitute? What a shame, it must have taken ages to knit. You're very selfless Bek :-)

  3. Yeh I substituted with a yarn that was a really good deal but not right fr the project, it turned out! I think she wears it as a housecoat! Xx


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